People always think we should be a certain way or look a certain way. AND… those people often are a person… MYSELF. 🤯
This is where status quo living sets in. I tell myself I have to fit in and not shake the mold too much. People have to like me so I gotta play it safe. 😕
Then I hear others’ perceptions of me and how they think I should be living my life. APPROVAL with others has ruled my life far too much. It’s what held me captive for years in a pornography addiction. 😞 That twisted sense of validation always left me empty and looking for more. BUT I learned something about myself… over 5 years ago I learned to love myself and God and others properly. People are meant to be loved and treated with dignity, not as property.
So where does our approval come from?? It sure doesn’t come from twisted validation from others. That led me to a hell hole of living that I never want to go back to. 💯
Today I don’t battle settling in insecurities the same way, BUT I still have to remember where my approval comes from. If I feel rejection or fear, my identity no longer comes from what I leech off of others. I. AM. ENOUGH. And by God’s grace I WILL follow the desires placed inside my heart. THIS IS WHAT DEFYING THE STATUS QUO life looks like! 💪💪
So whatever you face, push back with fierce determination to see it through no matter what others judgments may say about you. As long as your heart is in the right place, you’ll rediscover yourself and experience all you were meant to experience in this life… AND it’s NOT in settling for the status quo living of your own insecurities or enslaved to the opinions of others. 🤘
- D